The Villa sports program is an important and integral part of our comprehensive school program. Development of the whole child is one of the Ursuline characteristics which define our mission as an Ursuline school. This mission is exemplified through the full inclusion of all children who wish to participate in Villa athletic programs. The athletic program’s priorities are to develop a child’s character and confidence, create a sense of team and belonging, and improve athletic skills. The primary focus of all sports at the Villa is to offer students the opportunity to take part in school athletic activities. While we strive to provide as many sports opportunities as possible, seasonal offerings are sometimes limited by interest/registration and we may combine with other schools to form complete teams.
Click here to visit our Boosters website.
Boys and Girls Soccer (Preschool - 8th grade)
Fall and spring Eaglet Soccer (ages 3 - 5) with registration in May and February respectively
Fall and spring Soccer (ages 6 - 13) with registration in May and February respectively (SAY East)
Boys Baseball (Kdn - 8th grade)
Spring with registration in winter
Girls Softball (Kdn - 8th grade)
Spring with registration in winter
Boys and Girls Basketball (Grades 3 - 8)
Winter (GCCYS) with registration in fall
Boys and Girls Volleyball (Grades 3 - 8)
Girls fall (GCCYS) with registration in May; Boys spring with registration in winter
Boys and Girls Track & Field (Grades 3 - 8)
Organized through St. Gertrude school. Spring with registration in winter
Boys and Girls Golf (Grades 6, 7, 8)
Fall with registration in May
Boys and Girls Tennis (Grades 6, 7, 8)
Girls fall with registration in May: Boys spring with registration in winter
Family Ski Club (Preschool - 8th grade)
Winter with registration in fall