St. Ursula Villa provides the services of a full-time reading specialist through Auxiliary Services funding. The reading specialist works with students beginning at the kindergarten level to provide additional instruction and practice in reading to those students who would benefit from this service. The reading specialist coordinates and communicates with Villa teachers on a regular basis to support the classroom instructional goals of the language arts program.

An emphasis on the development of the whole person is an essential part of the Ursuline tradition founded by St. Angela Merici almost five hundred years ago. Her gentle words inspire us in our daily work with our students: "Be concerned and careful to know and understand the behavior of your students and to be aware of their needs, both spiritual and temporal. And yourselves provide for these to the best of your ability..."
Reading Specialist
Speech Specialist
St. Ursula Villa provides the services of a part-time speech and language therapist through government funding to process referrals from teachers and parents, design classroom and home-based interventions and to provide trial and ongoing services to students with Individual Educational Plans in speech and language.
School Counselor
St. Ursula Villa employs a part-time school counselor, who works closely with the learning specialist, teachers, administration and parents to address the mental health, emotional and social needs of students. The school counselor provides individual and small group counseling and other services and programs. Serving as a resource person to the school community, the school Counselor works to introduce and implement innovative programs that address the developmental needs of all Villa students and coordinates referrals for community services for students and families.